蒲公英 - 制药技术的传播者 GMP理论的实践者

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[其他] ISPE指南:关键公用系统GMP合规性翻译讨论

 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-7 10:53:20 | 显示全部楼层

2.1.1Minimum Water Purity Requirements for API and Finished Product Manufacturing


According to ICH Q7 [5], the minimum water quality to be used for API manufacture and in the pharmaceutical facility in general, is water that complies with WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality[ Although the attributes specified in WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality are considered goals and not necessarily mandatory for human consumption, compliance with all attributes is mandatory when used in API manufacture as well as for general pharmaceutical uses [5].

尽管《 WHO饮用水水质指南》中指定的属性被视为目标,并且不一定对人类食用是强制性的,但在API生产以及一般药物用途中使用时,必须遵守所有属性[5]。] [8].
根据ICH Q7 [5],用于原料药生产和制药厂的最低水质是符合WHO饮用水水质指南的水[8]。

Depending on the nature of the API processing and its final microbial and chemical attributes, water of a purity level higher than potable quality may be needed. This is particularly important in the latter stages of synthesis or purification, where removal of impurities introduced with the water may not be accomplished by these final API processing steps [5].


Most pharmacopeias require the minimum water quality used for API and excipient manufacture to be potable or drinking water. USP General Notices Section 8.230.20 states[ Official substances” is USP’s [12] term for monographed drug substances [APIs], excipients, dietary ingredients, other ingredients, or a component of a finished device and other finished product ingredients.

“官方物质”是USP的[12]术语,指专论的药物成分[API],辅料,膳食成分,其他成分或制成品的组成部分以及其他制成品成分。] [12]:


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-9 22:06:53 | 显示全部楼层
“When used in the manufacture of official substances, water shall meet the requirements for drinking water as set forth in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) or in the drinking water regulations of the European Union or of Japan, or in the World Health Organization’s Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. Additional specifications may be required in monographs.”

This means that if a pharmaceutical manufacturer is in a jurisdiction other than the US, a member state of the EU, or Japan, the drinking water quality used in manufacturing must comply with the one of these jurisdictions’ drinking water regulations or WHO drinking water guidelines [8]. Compliance with a different jurisdiction’s drinking water regulations, if not one of those four, is irrelevant to USP as well as FDA.

这意味着,如果制药厂位于美国、欧盟成员国或日本以外的其它司法管辖区,则生产工艺中使用的饮用水质量必须符合这些司法管辖区的饮用水法规、或WHO饮用水指南中的一个 [8]。如果遵守其它管辖区的饮用水法规,而不是这四个管辖区之一,则与USP和FDA无关。

The Ph. Eur. [13] defines the minimum quality of water for use in API manufacture as:


“complies with the regulations on water intended for human consumption laid down by the competent authority.”

Ph. Eur. does not explain who a competent authority is; however, it is understood to be the national entity in charge of the subject. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to identify the applicable drinking water regulations of the country in which the product will be marketed and ensure that the drinking water used in manufacturing meets those requirements.



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发表于 2020-12-11 14:47:44 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-12 10:43:50 | 显示全部楼层

2.1.2Source Water for Purification Systems 纯化系统源水

Another important use of drinking water is as source water for an on-site purification system that produces compendial grades of water, such as PW or WFI. When starting with one of the pharmacopeial drinking waters, all unsafe levels of impurities have theoretically been removed. So unless there is a possibility that these impurities could be reintroduced into the water, there is no need to test for their absence in the further purified water. Instead, for finished water (i.e., PW or WFI), general non-specific tests for ionic and organic impurities, that is, Conductivity and Total Organic Carbon (TOC), can be used to broadly define the finished water quality; however, several jurisdictions mandate additional tests (see Appendix 4). It is noteworthy that the microbial content of the water undergoing purification is also monitored, and, depending on the treatments selected, it may be that the levels of culturable bacteria in the non-compendial pretreatment water increase due to certain unit operations, and that this is acceptable.


2.1.3Source Water Compliance Standards 源水合规标准

Similarly to the water requirements described for APIs in USP General Notices, the USP [12] monographs for PW, WFI, and Pure Steam specify using one of the same four regional drinking water specification sets as the source water.

与USP凡例中描述的API水需求类似,PW、WFI和纯蒸汽的USP [12]专论指定使用相同的四个区域饮用水质量标准集之一,作为源水的要求。

In Europe [13] and Japan [18], a globally accepted source water quality for purification into PW is WHO Drinking Water [8]. However some pharmacopeia require that PW is used to supply the final purification step that generates WFI. (See Appendix 4 for the requirements of the major pharmacopeias.)

在欧洲[13]和日本[18]中,用于纯化为PW的全球公认的源水质量是WHO饮用水[8]。但是,有些药典要求使用PW来提供产生WFI的最终纯化步骤。(有关主要药典的要求,请参见附录4. )


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发表于 2020-12-12 10:55:41 | 显示全部楼层


希望参与一些有观点的讨论,谢谢分享这些客气话,如果多了会占用别人阅读的屏幕资源  详情 回复 发表于 2020-12-12 10:58

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-12 10:58:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
豫胜 发表于 2020-12-12 10:55


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发表于 2020-12-12 11:00:41 | 显示全部楼层
蒲公英 发表于 2020-12-12 10:43
2.1.2Source Water for Purification Systems 纯化系统源水

Another important use of drinking wat ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-15 13:22:50 | 显示全部楼层

2.1.4Public Water Compliance 公共用水合规

When a public drinking water source is used, the responsibility for complying with the drinking water regulations of the region usually falls to the drinking water provider. However, it remains the user’s responsibility to ensure that compliance of all drinking water attributes has been achieved for water used at the pharmaceutical facility; this responsibility includes year-round verification as there may be seasonal variability in water supply quality.

当使用公共饮用水水源时,遵守该地区饮用水法规的责任通常由饮用水提供者承担。但是,用户有责任确保制药厂使用的水达到所有饮用水属性的要求;该职责包括全年验证,因为供水质量可能存在季节性变化。 Water Provider Certification and Verification 公共供水机构的证书和确认

ICH Q7 [5] requires identity testing on manufacturing materials in most cases:

ICH Q7 [5]在大多数情况下要求对生产物料进行鉴别:

“At least one test to verify the identity of each batch of material should be conducted….A supplier’s Certificate of Analysis can be used in place of performing other tests, provided that the manufacturer has a system in place to evaluate suppliers.”


According to the GMPs, a certificate of compliance for any raw material should never be accepted without verification of authenticity and accuracy. That verification may involve an audit of the facility to view operations and the raw data associated with the certification, with organizations checking some attributes with their own testing. These rules apply to any public drinking water provider including local, regional, or other drinking water authority. If the local water provider refuses to allow a site visit/audit, then the level of risk is potentially increased and the level of monitoring by the organization should increase to compensate.


Also, drinking water compliance applies primarily to the water at the source, prior to entering the delivery piping network. Water may travel great distances during an extended period through piping of unknown integrity resulting in reduced quality at the destination.


It is the user’s responsibility to verify that any provided certification of compliance with drinking water regulations is accurate. Therefore, it may be appropriate for the pharmaceutical facility to periodically verify the drinking water’s compliance. This includes sampling the drinking water at the manufacturer’s site in one or more locations to verify that quality criteria are being met. The number of locations and frequency of sampling should be determined based on a risk assessment.


Not all quality attributes in a set of drinking water regulations are required to be tested annually nor with every sample, particularly where a history of compliance has been demonstrated by the manufacturing firm through analysis of the incoming supply water. The selection of parameters for testing should be based on a combination of risk assessment and the drinking water regulations applied to the manufacturing site. It may be appropriate during a drinking water compliance audit of a water authority’s facility and its testing data to observe consecutive years of historical testing data in order to confirm that all attributes have been tested at least at the required frequency.



所以有个问题,一般来说,供应商负责源水的质量情况,但是很多公司会在源水进入原水罐前或者后采取一些措施,例如过滤、加次氯酸钠等,那么这时候,我们应该是监控入厂的源水取样点还是监控原水罐的取样点? 我的个  详情 回复 发表于 2020-12-31 08:26

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-16 09:22:38 | 显示全部楼层 of Reliable Certification or Use of a Private Water Source 没有可靠的证书或使用私人源水

There are scenarios where a pharmaceutical facility may have its own private water source for use in manufacturing and further purification. There may also be instances where the documentation supporting a drinking water provider’s certification of compliance is absent, incomplete, untrustworthy, or not one of the acceptable standards. In these scenarios, the pharmaceutical facility is responsible for demonstrating compliance to an acceptable set of drinking water regulations.


The potential for variability, or when variability has been demonstrated, in drinking water quality in these situations is a factor in how often testing should be performed. Minimally, during the first year of source testing, the robustness of the supplied water and any treatment needed to bring the source water into compliance should be performed multiple times (e.g., quarterly or monthly, depending on the risk assessment of the water supply) until such time as the quality variability is discerned. Thereafter, an appropriate sampling frequency depends on a further risk analysis.


For example, in a situation with a high-risk water supply, the first year may include weekly water sampling. If all data is acceptable, in the second year sampling frequency may be reduced to monthly, and if results are good, may be reduced to quarterly in the third year. However, in a jurisdiction where a manufacturer has existing operations fed from the same water supply with consistently good quality, reduced sampling frequency may occur much more rapidly.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-20 08:32:48 | 显示全部楼层 Water Pretreatment and Sampling Location 源水预处理和取样点

It may be necessary to treat the water in order to comply with the drinking water standards. The nature of that treatment depends on the nature of the noncompliance in the source water. Ideally, compliance with the selected drinking water regulations should be shown with the water entering the purification system. However, it is generally acceptably compliant to obtain samples taken from as far into the water system as the furthest Point of Use (POU); however, sampling may be required at other locations that are deemed high risk due to infrequent usage, or due to the nature of the use of the water dispensed. It is noteworthy that in large facilities there may be branches (not recirculating) of potable water that see infrequent use and could be prone to microbial contamination if not regularly flushed. If there are secondary storage tanks for potable water with their own distribution networks, this risk then increases, and sampling from the POU of these systems should be done.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-23 08:37:57 | 显示全部楼层

2.2Compendial Water Pretreatment 药典水预处理

The term pretreatment typically indicates unit operations chosen to prepare drinking water for conversion to a higher quality by a primary treatment method. Pretreatment most often is used to either reduce the contaminant load on primary treatment equipment or to extend the interval between equipment servicing.


Hence, pretreated water is not required to meet drinking water nor PW chemical or microbial standards; it is simply an interim quality that allows for primary treatment equipment to operate under less demanding conditions and at reduced operational costs. Pretreatment is significantly less costly to operate than primary treatment equipment and extends the time between service events for the primary treatment components. Pretreatment systems must receive a similar level of care as compendial systems proper in terms of their maintenance (leaks or other dysfunctions) as they are an integral part of the overall treatment. From a compliance perspective, a poorly maintained pretreatment system is a poorly maintained compendial water treatment system.


Pretreatment systems that are not properly maintained may force primary treatment components to bear the additional load resulting in greater downtime, unscheduled outages, and increased cost. Each type of unit operation selected for use as pretreatment requires Preventive Maintenance (PM) and possibly routine service specific to its function.

For example, softeners typically need maintenance at a minimum annually for proper operation; however, depending on the water quality and age of the system may require more frequent maintenance. Nonetheless, in addition to regular maintenance, softeners need constant monitoring of salt used for regeneration, often needing additional salt every few days. Failure to maintain salt levels could result in hardness fouling a downstream Reverse Osmosis (RO) system and an unplanned outage.


The pretreatment system water may not meet the requirements of drinking water, but in order for the system to be GMP compliant, it should be operated in a state of control; that is, parameters are maintained within specified ranges. The nature of the parameters to be monitored depends on the technologies deployed in the pretreatment (e.g., hardness testing to verify softener performance).


Proper maintenance and operation of pretreatment equipment help to ensure optimal overall system operation, and help to reduce events that could jeopardize the compliance of the system.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-24 09:05:11 | 显示全部楼层

2.3Purified Water 纯化水

PW is normally used in cleaning operations as well as in the manufacture of APIs, oral solutions, topicals, oral solid dosage products, and medical devices. In most of these cases, PW is a raw material that requires testing to demonstrate quality and compliance.


2.3.2Applicable Requirements 适用要求

PW, as defined by compendial monographs, requires compliance with specifications for chemical and microbial quality. Chemical quality requirements are defined by conductivity and TOC specifications. Microbial quality requirements for PW are usually defined in published standards. Several pharmacopeias specify a variety of other parameters, which are summarized in Appendix 4.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-25 22:54:41 | 显示全部楼层
2.4Water for Injection 注射用水
2.4.1General 通则

WFI is typically used in cleaning operations, and in the manufacture of inhaled products and injectable products. It is a raw material, and therefore requires adequate testing to demonstrate quality and compliance.


2.4.2Applicable Requirements 适用要求

WFI, as defined by compendial monographs, requires compliance with specifications for chemical and microbial quality. Chemical quality requirements are defined by conductivity and TOC specifications. Microbial requirements for WFI are usually defined in published standards. Endotoxin limits are also applicable to WFI. Appendix 4 summarizes the requirements for most of the major pharmacopeias.


WFI is the product of drinking water that has been pretreated and primary treated to meet the final required chemical and microbial specifications. There is inconsistency worldwide about the allowed treatment techniques and the water that may be used as the feed water to a WFI generation process. Europe [13], North America [12], and Japan [18] allow for the use of non-distillation based techniques for the generation of WFI, and for the use of potable water as the starting material. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia [19] specifies that distillation must be used with PW as the starting material, but is currently considering allowing generation techniques other than distillation.



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发表于 2020-12-26 07:53:57 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-26 22:16:57 | 显示全部楼层
1.1 Pure Steam 纯蒸汽
2.5.1 General 通则
Steam is classified as Pure Steam when it is intended to be used for direct and indirect product contact, for sterilization of product or material, or for sanitization of surfaces.

2.5.2 Applicable Requirements
Pure Steam should meet the requirements of the applicable pharmacopeia (i.e., USP [12], Ph. Eur. [13]).

纯蒸汽应符合适用的药典的要求(如USP [12],欧洲药典[13])。

Many pharmacopeias do not include a Pure Steam monograph; therefore, often the relevant WFI monograph specifications are applied. These are, for instance, the requirements for the feed water, a built-in component to retain droplets, and the required test parameters for WFI that may be tested on the Pure Steam condensate. Due to the lethality of Pure Steam, culturing of microbial samples is not required, although endotoxin testing is required.


Pharmacopeias may not define certain parameters such as steam saturation, dryness, and non-condensable gases; however, guidance is provided by the EN285 [20] and the British HTM 01-01 Part C [21] standards. It is recommended to conduct a risk analysis that includes specifics related to these qualities. EN285 may support a decision as to whether or not these parameters are applicable, and to define limits and test procedures.

药典可能没有定义某些参数,例如蒸汽饱和度、干燥度和不凝性气体。但是,在EN285 [20]和英国HTM 01-01 C部分 [21]标准提供了相关指南。建议进行包括与这些品质有关的细节的风险分析。EN285可以支持有关这些参数是否适用的决定,并定义限度和检验程序。

The testing for steam quality is most often done at the POU to an autoclave unit and requires specialized test elbows and equipment. If future quality testing is likely, considerations during the design phase should be made to provide the necessary spool pieces.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-27 10:15:58 | 显示全部楼层

2.6Clean Compressed Air 洁净压缩空气
2.6.1General 通则

Compressed air intended for use in product-impact applications include:


•Steam sterilizer overpressure 蒸汽灭菌器超压

&#8226ressure equilibration after steam sanitization of piping and equipment 管道和设备经过蒸汽消毒后的压力平衡

•Transfer of product 产品转移

•Blow down of equipment after clean in place/steam in place for drying 就地清洗/灭菌后吹干设备

•Air supply to fermenters 向发酵罐供气

In addition, compressed air is used whenever there is air contact with a product-contact surface not cleaned in a subsequent operation, and in all classified manufacturing space into which the process compressed air is exhausted.


Compressed air may be obtained in cylinders based on volume needs, although it is typically produced on site using compressors. This puts it into a category different than most other gases and justifies its description separate from other gases.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-29 22:45:39 | 显示全部楼层

2.6.2Applications 应用

Some pharmacopeias include monographs for medical air. Standards such as “breathing air” (for example, the NFPA 99 Standard [22]) are available. ISO 8573 [23] is sometimes employed by manufacturers as a standard.

一些药典包括医用空气各论。可以使用诸如“呼吸空气”之类的标准(例如,NFPA 99标准[22])。生产商有时会使用ISO 8573 [23]作为标准。

In most cases medical grade gases are not required in pharmaceutical manufacturing since medical gases and breathing gases are typically intended for direct use by people or animals. The gene and cell therapy medicines industry along with biotechnology manufacturing utilize medical gases and process air for product contact.


When used in a pharmaceutical process with direct product contact, the purity requirements should be based on product and process needs. These product requirements are usually defined in the manufacturer’s regulatory filings.


When applicable, preparation of a risk analysis is prudent.


It is generally accepted that a critical quality parameter for clean compressed air is the dew point/relative humidity with the expectation that the level of humidity in the air will be non-condensable in the temperature ranges to which the compressed air piping is exposed. Maintaining dryness essentially eliminates the possibility for microbial growth since without water, bacteria are not able to reproduce.


In addition, requirements applied to environmental air can be used to support decisions documented in the risk analysis. This is especially true in cases where the air is used and exhausted within a classified space. As such, a reason for the decision on the maximum allowed amount of particles or microbes in the compressed air may be based on Table 2.1.



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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-30 06:37:58 | 显示全部楼层
Table 2.1: Clean Room and Clean Air Device Classification
(Adapted from EU Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use, Annex 1 “Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products” [24])
(根据《欧盟人和兽用药品GMP指南》附录1“无菌药品的生产” [24])

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-30 06:38:24 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-30 06:39:04 | 显示全部楼层
A risk analysis should consider the need for POU filters or decentralized filters for each production room, whether the use of an oiler or other equipment necessitates the need for backflow prevention, and if air should be exhausted from the room.

To adequately address compliance it may be necessary, confirmed by risk analysis, to monitor and record important parameters from properly defined sampling points using proper equipment, such as instruments to measure particles, humidity, oil, and temperature, as well as a system and procedure to test for microbes. Often the limits in ISO 8573 [23] are applied for humidity and oil content testing.

为了充分解决合规性问题,可能需要通过风险分析来确认,并使用适当的设备(如用于测量颗粒、湿度、油和温度的仪器)以及检验微生物的系统和程序,来监控并记录来自正确定义的取样点的重要参数。ISO 8573 [23]中的限度通常适用于湿度和油含量检验。

It is ultimately the responsibility of the user to determine the needs for their product and situations. This should consider and document the requirements of the product and appropriate and applicable regulatory requirements respective limits and tests as necessary.


During the risk analysis, it may be appropriate to evaluate the origin of the compressed air, how it is produced, why compressed air is being used, critical characteristics/quality of the compressed air and why they have been defined (as applicable), which parameters will be tested and why, where filters are installed in the system, which parameters to control, precision of instruments, redundancy of measurements, recording of data, etc.



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