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1.1.1 Quality Alarms 有效的报警These are the alarmsfrom the independent monitoring system, usuallyconfigured based on the definedtemperature storage limits. 这些是独立监控系统发出的警报,通常是根据预先设定的存储温度限值来配置的。 For example,a unit with the operational range 2℃ to 8℃ may have alarm set points of 3℃ and 7℃ as alert limits,with action alarm set pointsof 2℃ and 8℃. 例如,一个操作范围为2℃至8℃的单元可能将报警点设为3℃和7℃作为警报限值,将动作报警点设为2℃和8℃。 Note: The exact alarm limitschosen depends on procedures in use at the site. For instance, some facilitiesmay choose to set alarm limitsthat account for the measurement uncertainty of the monitoring sensors,as presented in Appendix 3. 注意:所选择的精确报警限值取决于现场使用的程序。例如,一些设施可能选择将报警限值设置为考虑了监测传感器测量不确定性的值,如附录3中所述。 1.1.2 Alarm Delays 报警延迟Alarm delays are a feature of many automatedmonitoring systems. The function of an alarm delay is to filter out short excursions caused by normal use, such as the temperature changescaused by openingthe chamber door for a shortperiod. If an open-door test is performed, the results can be used to helpdetermine appropriate alarm delay settings. 报警延迟是许多自动化监控系统的一项功能。报警延迟的功能是过滤由正常使用引起的短暂偏离,例如短时间内打开舱门引起的温度变化。如果进行开门测试,可以使用测试结果来帮助确定适当的报警延迟设置。 Probesmounted in air and probes in thermal damping material require different delays.For a probe mounted in air, the delay time should be sufficient to allow theair temperature to recover, avoiding nuisance alarms, that is, alarms not indicative of abnormal systemoperation. For probesmounted in a thermal dampingmaterial, the same conceptsapply. However, the delay time, if obtained through the thermal mass of thesensor “system,” takes time to respond to air temperature changes. Thesearrangements of a sensor in a container of thermal material (used to avoid risk of freezing or evaporation) are designedto represent the worst-case stored material. This is usually the smallestcontainer in the minimum packaging stored in that CTC. Where this approach isused, there should be a document providing the rationale for the system design,and demonstrate that use of delays and/or thermal damping are suitable for thespecific products stored in the CTC. 安装在空气中的探头和安装在热绝缘材料中的探头所需的延迟时间不同。对于安装在空气中的探头,延迟时间应足够长,以使空气温度恢复正常,避免不必要的报警,即不代表系统异常运行的报警。对于安装在热绝缘材料中的探头,同样适用上述概念。然而,延迟时间,如果通过传感器系统的热质量获得,则需要时间来响应空气温度的变化。将传感器放置在热绝缘材料容器(用于避免冻结或蒸发的风险)中的设计旨在代表储藏物的最差情况。通常,这是在CTC中以最小包装方式存储的最小容器。如果采用这种方法,应有一份文件说明系统设计的依据,并证明延迟和/或热绝缘对于存储在CTC中的特定产品是适用的。 Adopting a “standard” delay time for each class of CTC reduces the risk of setting an incorrect delay time that wouldexist if each unit has individual settings, while still providing a reliableindication if there are operational issues with the system, either due to theconditioning system, or because of an operator inadvertently leaving the dooropen. 每类CTC采用一个“标准”延时时间,可以降低每个单元都有单独设置时可能出现的错误延时风险,同时在系统出现操作问题时(无论是由于条件系统还是由于操作人员不小心未关门),仍能提供可靠的指示。 The units usually have a wide range of operational loads, but what is appropriate for one load may not be for another. Lower temperature units in particular, take time to recover from being accessed, particularly if they have very littlein them, that is, no stored thermal mass. The systems require time to recoverphysically. (The cold air in the unit is denser than the surrounding ambientair hence it will flow from the chamber to be replaced by warmer ambient air,which will take time to cool to the operating temperature of the chamber. Forwarm units the reverse effect is observed.) 这些设备通常具有广泛的运行负荷范围,但适合一种负荷的可能不适合另一种负荷。特别是低温设备,在被访问后需要时间恢复,特别是如果它们几乎没有内容物,即没有储存的热能。这些系统需要时间来恢复物理状态。(因为设备中的冷空气密度高于周围环境的空气,因此它会从舱室中流出,被较暖的环境空气所取代,这需要时间冷却到舱室的操作温度。对于热设备,则会观察到相反的效果。) The impact of the time to recover and the overallability of these standard systems to maintain temperatures within limits must be considered when determining alarmdelays, with the combined goalsof protecting product,minimizing nuisance alarms, and simplifying administration. 在确定报警延迟时,必须考虑恢复时间的影响以及这些标准系统整体维持温度在限定范围内的能力。这些目标包括保护产品、减少滋扰报警、简化管理。