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本帖最后由 红豆杉南国 于 2015-1-30 14:18 编辑
疑问: 根据197U进行下述产品A专论项下的紫外吸收测试,是否需要将供试品与对照品溶液在200~400nm录制光谱图,并比较供试品溶液与对照品溶液是否在相对波长处有最大吸收与最小吸收,然后取271nm附近最大的吸光度进行吸光度比值计算(还是根上述200~400nm中扫描出来的结果直接用数据进行计算?);如果对照品与供试品溶液在相同波长处有最大与最小吸收,且两者在271nm附近吸光度比值未超过3%为该产品该项符合规定;还是仅需要在271nm进行对照品与供试品溶液的吸光度测试,其吸光度比值未超过3%为该产品该项测试符合规定。
各论中产品A紫外项下描述 Identification— B: Ultraviolet Absorption 197U Solution: 25 µgper mL. Medium:methanol. Absorptivities at 271 nm, calculated on thedried basis, do not differ by more than 3%.
各论中产品B的紫外项下描述 IDENTIFICATION Samplesolution: 80 µg/mL in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid Acceptancecriteria: Meets the requirements
附USP药典197U原文及翻译稿(翻译稿不能显示出来,见附件) ULTRAVIOLET ABSORPTION The reference 197U in a monograph signifies that a test solution and a Standard solution areexamined spectrophotometrically, in 1-cm cells, over the spectral range from200 to 400 nm unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. Dissolve a portion of the substance underexamination in the designated Medium to obtain a test solution havingthe concentration specified in the monograph for Solution. Similarlyprepare a Standard solution containing the corresponding USP ReferenceStandard. Record and compare the spectra concomitantlyobtained for the test solution and the Standard solution. Calculateabsorptivities and/or absorbance ratios where these criteria are included in anindividual monograph. Unless otherwise specified, absorbances indicated forthese calculations are those measured at the maximum absorbance at about thewavelength specified in the individual monograph. Where the absorbance is to bemeasured at about the specified wavelength other than that of maximumabsorbance, the abbreviations (min) and (sh) are used to indicate a minimum andshoulder, respectively, in an absorption spectrum. The requirements are met ifthe UV absorption spectra of the test solution and the Standard solutionexhibit maxima and minima at the same wavelengths and absorptivities and/orabsorbance ratios are within specified limits. |