发表于 2016-11-15 14:05:26
There was a lack of assurance of the sterility of the API in that: There was inadequate separation of the product from personnel and product contacting surfaces after the terminal sterilization step. There was inadequate protection of the sterile product due to a lack of localized laminar air flow during all tray loading, unloading, sieving, and blender unloading and sampling operations. There was inadequate protection of the sterile product as the final filtration vessel lacked an adequate seal. The loading, operation and unloading of the autoclave with equipment and final product containers was inadequately controlled by procedures and the validation of the autoclave cycles were inadequately validated. The transfer of equipment and items into the clean rooms via the transfer hatch was inadequately described in procedures, hence a consistent aseptic transfer could not be assured. The sterilizing in place of the filters, transfer lines and drying ovens could not be consistently assured as a result of inadequate labelling of valves and connections, unauthorised changes to validated temperature probes and a lack of a master temperature record against which to compare chart recorder traces. There was a lack of staff with adequate experience in sterile operations. There was a lack of assurance of integrity of the operations in the clean areas as there was no automatic changeover to the local generator in the event of a failure in the electricity supply.
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