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[FDA药事] 学习 CDER如何推进监管科学以保护公众健康(一)

发表于 2017-11-4 18:19:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 flydengfeng 于 2017-11-4 18:19 编辑

摘自微信公众号:药品注册英语学习平台;作者:Tony Zhang
Learn how CDER is advancing regulatory science to protect public health.
学习 CDER如何推进监管科学以保护公众健康

CDER Researchers – In Their Own Words
CDER研究者 – 用他们自己的话说

CDER的监管科学-来自CeliaCruz, Ph.D. 的播客

CDER监管科学CeliaCruz Ph.D来自药品注册英语学习平台00:0002:41

Dr. Celia Cruz explains how CDER’s Division of Product Quality Research works to enable innovation by focusing on increasing product quality and ensuring drug products are more widely available to the American public.

Text Slide 文本幻灯片

Celia Cruz, Ph.D. CeliaCruz 博士

Director, Division of Product Quality Research 产品质量研究部门主任

Office of Pharmaceutical Quality 药品质量办公室

Office of Testing and Research 测试与研究办公室

Dr. Cruz: At one point in my career, I had the choice to continue in industry or think about what does regulatory agency do and what are the things you can learn there that you really can’t learn anywhere else in the world. So I decided to join the FDA about seven years ago and learn the concept of review, inspections, and policy development for products.

Dr.Cruz: So the goal of our research is called regulatory science, which is understanding what the challenges would be in the future in terms of regulating certain technologies. So it’s not our goal to develop our own medicines, it’s to understand what is needed to ensure the quality of medicines made by this technology in thisfuture.
Dr. Cruz: 所以我们研究的目标被称为监管科学,它就是理解未来在规范某些技术方面所面临的挑战。因此,我们的目标不是开发我们自己使用的药物,而是理解在未来使用这些技术时需要什么来保证药品的质量。

It is a very important national priority that we try to modernize the pharmaceutical industry so that we can solve issues such as supply of drugs, reduce drug shortages and recalls. And we think that one of the ways to do this is to modernize the equipment, the methods, and the approaches to making medicines in the future.

So we’re trying to enable innovation by focusing on things that will make product quality higher and drug products more available to the American public. And we think the best ways to do that is to enable manufacturing science innovation, such as things like 3D printing which will allow us to make different types of dosage forms.

Continuous manufacturing, which will help us make product faster and more readily accessible, and advanced analytics we will be able to detect product quality issues in a faster and more accurate way. So to us those are three ways that we can improve the adoption of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

One of the important parts of our mission is to be ready for what comes up next. So for example in our laboratories we make a great effort to buy the pieces of equipment that represent what might be out in industry, so we can have state of the art facilities.

And also understanding the methodologies that are coming up. So we stay alert in terms of readiness for new technologies by collaborating with academia and supporting things such as research that goes on in industry.

Industry can come to the FDA and talk about any new emerging technology that they’re interested in adopting and get early feedback from the FDA in terms of what are the potential things that they can work on to make this more easily adoptable in the pharmaceutical industry.

One of the concepts is that innovation and regulatory agencies sometimes don’t go hand in hand, but actually regulatory agencies can do a lot in terms of adopting innovation.

I find the job extremely rewarding and it’s very few places that you can do science and policy in the same place. So to me this is one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had, and I hope to have it for a long time.

regulatory agency 监管机构
in terms of…在某方面;依据…
supply of drugs, reduce drug shortages and recalls 药品供应,减少短缺和召回
dosage form 剂型
more readily accessible 更易获得
stay alert 保持警觉
new emerging technology 新兴技术
get early feedback from 获得早期反馈
go hand in hand 携手前行
So to us 因此对我们而言
So to me 因此对我而言

At one point in my career 在我职业生涯的某个时刻
It is a very important national priority that 这是国家一个非常重要的优先事项
One of the ways to do this isto 做这项工作的方法之一是
One of the important parts of our mission is to 我们任务的一个重要部分是
One of the concepts is that 其中一个概念是
I find the job extremely rewarding 我发现这个工作非常有意义


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