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1. Failure of your quality unit to review and approve all appropriate quality-related documents. 你们的质量部门未能审核和批准所有质量相关的文件。
Our investigator observed numerous blank batch manufacturing records in an open cabinet in your manufacturing workshop office. Among these were multiple blank, product release forms marked with a red quality assurance release stamp as “Permitted to Leave [the] Factory.” Our investigator also observed two record issuance stamps for batch and page number in the open cabinet.
These blank records and stamps were uncontrolled, although your standard operating procedure states that your quality unit is responsible for release of blank CGMP records. Your quality unit failed to control these records to assure that information entered on these forms is accurate and reliable. The use of uncontrolled records without quality unit review and approval poses a risk to data integrity and adequate assurance of product quality. FDA recommends that, if used, blank forms be controlled by the quality unit or by another document control method.
In your response, you said the product release form was “stamped in advance for convenience of release and warehousing of products” from your facility. You also said the quality unit record controller “did not realize the risk of the damaged lock” on the cabinet containing the records and stamps.
We note you revised your standard operating procedures and re-trained your quality personnel. Your response is inadequate because it does not provide assurance that your employees are adequately qualified and trained to perform their duties.
2. Failure to maintain complete data derived from all laboratory tests conducted to ensure your API complies with established specifications and standards. 为能保存所有实验室测试的完整数据,以确保你们的API符合既定标准。
You used a (b)(4) instrument (FK03011) for stability testing for multiple API, including (b)(4) and (b)(4). You subsequently used the same instrument and software to perform in-process analytical testing. Our investigator reviewed the audit trail on this instrument and observed that the software was configured to permit continuous use of the “preview run” function and routine overwriting of previous runs. Only the final “preview run” (b)(4) in each project folder was retained.
Our review of the audit trail demonstrated that multiple distinct (b)(4) were performed and that the length of each (b)(4) was consistent with the time required to perform blank, sample, and standard (b)(4). It is essential to retain raw data to ensure the ability to reconstruct CGMP activities and to review raw data, as necessary, for CGMP control testing.
In your response, you stated the software did not allow retrieval of “non-data acquisition (b)(4),” and you did not realize that you needed to retain the preview run data. We acknowledge that you intend to replace the affected (b)(4) instruments. However, procuring new instruments, installing new and upgraded data acquisition software, and enabling various features on software are not sufficient alone. These steps will be effective only if you implement appropriate procedures and systems to ensure that you retain data as required so that your quality unit can review production and control data and associated audit trails as part of evaluating whether your API complies with all established criteria for in-process and stability testing.
Data Integrity Remediation 数据可靠性补救措施
Your quality system does not adequately ensure the accuracy and integrity of data to support the safety, effectiveness, and quality of the drugs you manufacture. We acknowledge that you committed to using a consultant to assist in meeting FDA requirements. In response to this letter, provide the following.
A. A comprehensive investigation into the extent of the inaccuracies in data records and reporting. Your investigation should include:
- A detailed investigation protocol and methodology; a summary of all laboratories, manufacturing operations, and systems to be covered by the assessment; and a justification for any part of your operation that you propose to exclude.
- 一份详尽的调查方案和方法;一份调查所覆盖的所有实验室、生产操作和系统的汇总;以及针对你们想要将任何一部分排除在调查之外的解释说明。
- Interviews of current and former employees to identify the nature, scope, and root cause of data inaccuracies. We recommend that these interviews be conducted by a qualified third party.
- 与现在及离职了的员工谈话,识别数据不准确的本质、范围以及根本原因。我们建议这些谈话由一个有资质的第三方来进行。
- An assessment of the extent of data integrity deficiencies at your facility. Identify omissions, alterations, deletions, record destruction, non-contemporaneous record completion, and other deficiencies. Describe all parts of your facility’s operations in which you discovered data integrity lapses.
- 一份你们工厂数据可靠性缺陷程度的评估。识别遗漏、修改、删除、记录毁坏、不及时记录及其它缺陷。描述所有发现数据可靠性问题的操作的所有方面。
- A comprehensive retrospective evaluation of the nature of the testing and manufacturing data integrity deficiencies. We recommend that a qualified third party with specific expertise in the area where potential breaches were identified should evaluate all data integrity lapses.
- 一份对检测和生产数据可靠性问题的本质的综合性、回顾性的评估。我们建议由有资质的第三方,具备在发现问题领域特殊专业知识的人员,来评估所有的数据可靠性问题。
B. A current risk assessment of the potential effects of the observed failures on the quality of your drugs. Your assessment should include analyses of the risks to patients caused by the release of drugs affected by a lapse of data integrity, and risks posed by ongoing operations.
C. A management strategy for your firm that includes the details of your global corrective action and preventive action plan. Your strategy should include:
- A detailed corrective action plan that describes how you intend to ensure the reliability and completeness of all of the data you generate, including analytical data, manufacturing records, and all data submitted to FDA.
- 一份详细的修正预防措施计划,描述你们将怎样保证所有你们产生的数据的可靠性和完整i性,包括分析数据、生产数据、和所有递交给FDA的数据。
- A comprehensive description of the root causes of your data integrity lapses, including evidence that the scope and depth of the current action plan is commensurate with the findings of the investigation and risk assessment. Indicate whether individuals responsible for data integrity lapses remain able to influence CGMP-related or drug application data at your firm.
- 一份对你们数据可靠性漏洞产生的根原因的综合性描述,包括可以证明你们所采取的行动的范围和深度与调查所发现的问题和风险评估相匹配的证据。明确需要为数据可靠性漏洞负责的相关人员是否可以继续在你们公司影响CGMP相关数据或药品申报数据。
- Interim measures describing the actions you have taken or will take to protect patients and to ensure the quality of your drugs, such as notifying your customers, recalling product, conducting additional testing, adding lots to your stability programs to assure stability, drug application actions, and enhanced complaint monitoring.
- 描述你们已经采取的行动,或者将要采取的行动,以保护病人和保证药品质量的过渡性措施。如通知你们的客户,召回产品,进行额外测试,增加稳定性研究的批次,以保证药品稳定性、药品申报行为、和提高合规监测。
- Long-term measures describing any remediation efforts and enhancements to procedures, processes, methods, controls, systems, management oversight, and human resources (e.g., training, staffing improvements) designed to ensure the integrity of your company’s data.
- 描述所有补救努力和提高规程、流程、方法、控制、系统、管理层监管和所设计的用于保证你们公司数据的可靠性的人力资源(如培训、人员改进)的长期措施。
- A status report for any of the above activities already underway or completed.
- 一份针对任何上述活动已经在进行中或已经完成的状态报告。