中文 | |
| PART 11 Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures |
| Subpart C--Electronic Signatures |
(a)每一电子签名应对应唯一的用户,不能被其他人重新使用,或者再分配给其他人。 | (a) Each electronic signature shall be unique to one individual and shall not be reused by, or reassigned to, anyone else. |
| Sec. 11.200 Electronic signature components and controls. |
| (a) Electronic signatures that are not based upon biometrics shall: |
(ii)当一个用户不在一个独立受控的系统内签署一个或多个电子签名时,每一个被签署的电子签名应使用全部的电子签名成分。 | (1) Employ at least two distinct identification components such as an identification code and password. (i) When an individual executes a series of signings during a single, continuous period of controlled system access, the first signing shall be executed using all electronic signature components; subsequent signings shall be executed using at least one electronic signature component that is only executable by, and designed to be used only by, the individual. (ii) When an individual executes one or more signings not performed during a single, continuous period of controlled system access, each signing shall be executed using all of the electronic signature components. |
理解:1、电子签名至少有两部分组成,常用账户+密码的形式; 2、当在一个持续受控的独立系统里,在一段时间内连续签署一系列电子签名时,第一个电子签名要输入账户+密码,后续的电子签名只需要输入密码; 3、当在一个非持续受控的系统(即一段时间内没有连续输入电子签名或使用的系统),执行每一次电子签名,都要输入账户+密码; |
2) 电子签名仅被它们真正的拥有者使用; 3) 电子签名的管理和控制措施,应能确保:当以确保任何除其真正所有者外的其他人尝试使用该电子签名时需要二个或更多的人的协作。 | (2) Be used only by their genuine owners; and (3) Be administered and executed to ensure that attempted use of an individual's electronic signature by anyone other than its genuine owner requires collaboration of two or more individuals. |
理解:1、制定程序确保不会有两个或两个以上人员拥有相同的用户名和密码; 2、除非两个人串通,一个人的电子签名才能被另一个人篡用,就算系统管理员也不能私自使用别人的电子签名; |
(b) 依据生物识别技术的电子签名,其设计应确保不能被真正所有者之外的其他人使用。 | (b) Electronic signatures based upon biometrics shall be designed to ensure that they cannot be used by anyone other than their genuine owners. |
理解:使用生物识别技术的电子签名,应使用每个人特有的生物特征,比如指纹、巩膜等,确保这些生物特征只能其本人才能有,生物识别技术的电子签名比用户名+密码组合的安全性要高; |