发表于 2012-12-24 23:07:51
Risk assessment of transportation
Based on the original stability data provided in the registration dossier by Docpharm a time for enhanced temperatures is set and the maximum temperature is established. Additionally, ____s stability data for ____s ________ is used and also the preliminary data of Docpharms product manufactured at ____.
3.3.2 按照运输公司提供的数据,下列时间是以最糟情况计算出的。
According to the data provided by the transport company, the following time frames are set and calculation is always done as worse case scenario.
____ – Harbour via truck xx hours ____—港口,卡车运,4-6小时
Storage in Shanghai harbour xx days 上海港口的储存时间 xx 天
Storage on ship xx days 船上的储存时间 xx 天
Storage in Hamburg harbour xx days Hamburg港口的储存时间 xx 天
Transport to Rubiepharm/Docpharm via truck xx hours 卡车运到Rubiepharm/Docpharm xx 小时
Transport season will be divided in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The highest temperatures during these seasons are expected in the area of xxx and are xxoC.
3.3.5 药品是通过纸箱运输的。这些纸箱是双层箱壁,壁厚xxmm,中间是波状壁,壁厚xxmm ,两层箱壁之间间距为xxmm,放在温度为xxoC的冷冻箱中。这些纸箱是稳定性经检验为xxN的标准箱,质量较牢,一般不会破损。如因包装公司和运输过程中的问题导致纸箱被利物戳破,可以拒收。
The pharmaceuticals are transported in shipping cartons. These cartons are of a sandwich-layer of 2 cartons with xxmm and a corrugated carton of xxmm between. The distance is xxmm. These cartons are transported in cooling containers with a temperature of xxoC. These cartons are standard shipping cartons with a proven stability of xxN. Breakage of the carton is unlikely, because of its sturdiness. Rupture by hitting with sharp objects can be excluded due to the reliability of the packaging company and the transport procedures.
3.3.6风险评估:Risk evaluation of the Chinese Transport company
Introduction of Shanghai branch of__________
__________was established in Jan of 1994 with 10 million RMB registered capital, and is one of the first class enterprises business in transportation approved by ministry of commerce of the People’s Republic of China. The relevant certificates are shown in ATTACHMENT 5:
㈠、 无船承运人资格证书(MOC-NV00762)
NVOCC certificate(MOC-NV00762)
㈡、 国际船舶代理经营资格证书(MOC-NA01300)
International shipment agency business qualification certificate(MOC-NA01300)
㈢、进出口企业资格证书Qualification certificate for import/export enterprise
㈣、水路运输许可证 Transport certificate by sea
__________not only does import/export business in Nanjing, but also along Changjiang river. It has 7 branches in Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Nantong, Yancheng, Suzhou, Zhang jiagang and Shanghai. Based on the data supplied to us, we consider that _____________ is a suitable transport company for our products.
3.4 批号选择Selection of batch
3.4.1作为次此运输验证的是 ________片:规格250mg,批号分别为06001、06002、06003。
________ film-coated Tablets: concentration 250mg, batch number: 06001, 06002, 06003 will be used for this transportation validation.
Warehouse conditions for ________ are prevention of mice, insects, rain, under a temperature 15-25℃ and a humidity of。
3.5 运输监控Transport Monitoring
Monitoring temperature and humidity
During the transport the temperatures are monitored with a datalogger, which takes the temperature and the humidity every 20 minutes. These dataloggers are inside the shipping cartons on the outside layer to monitor the worse case. See ATTACHMENT 4. One datalogger per cooling container is required.