发表于 2016-6-12 20:13:52
All activities from receipt till approval or rejection of materials should be described in one or more procedures. Materials must be purchased against agreed specifications.
Companies should prepare a list of critical raw materials based on good scientific rational and impact on the quality of the API. Suppliers (manufacturers and/or agents if applicable) of critical materials should be evaluated and approved by the quality unit. The evaluation can be based on
 historical experience with the supplier,
 on a questionnaire,
 checking/comparing own analytical results (for e.g. three batches/shipments) with those on the suppliers Certificate of Analysis and / or
 an audit done by a person authorized by the purchasing company
 use test
Audits are not mandatory as per current GMP and should be considered on a case by case basis for example if deviations are observed. Other useful information can include the reputation of the supplier within the industry and the availability of certificates such as ISO-9000 certificates.
The evaluation and approval process should be described in a procedure, taking into account some or all these possibilities. This includes the fact that the name and address of the manufacturer of a critical material must always be known. A change of the source (e.g .manufacturer or supplier) of a critical material should be handled according to the Change Control procedure.
EVALUATION是必须的,至于audit是Q7A是没有强求的,但是一般情况下都会对critical materials进行audit,特别是API starting material