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1.1. Prerequisites先决条件Ø Purpose目的 All prerequisites for IQ have been met. 所有进行IQ的先决条件已经得到满足。 Confirm that all participants in this program have been trained. 确认参与此方案的人员都已经过培训。 Ø Acceptable standard可接受标准 All prerequisites must be met before IQ can be implemented. 开始执行IQ之前,所有的先决条件必须得到满足。 Ø Program程序 It is confirmed that the scheme has been approved. 确认本方案已得到批准。 The BMS has been installed and debugged, and power distribution has been completed. 已安装并调试了BMS,并已完成配电。 Before the start of IQ, all participants should be trained, and the training should be documented. 在IQ开始前,对所有参与测试的人员进行培训,培训应该有记录。 1.2. Document and Drawing Inspection文件及图纸检查Ø Purpose目的 Confirm that all documents and drawings that need to be validated at IQ exist and meet the requirements. 确认在IQ时需要确认的文件和图纸都存在并符合要求。 Ø Acceptable criterion可接受标准 All documents and drawings are valid, complete and readable. 所有文件和图纸都是有效的、完整的,并且都是可读的。 All the inspected documents and drawings have been approved, and the title, document number, etc. should be included in the document and drawings . 所有检查的文件和图纸已被批准,同时文件和图纸中应有标题、文件号等内容。 Ø Procedure程序 All documents and drawings are valid, complete and readable. 检查文件和图纸是有效、完整,且可读。 Check the existing documents and drawings one by one, and record the title, document number and relevant approval data of the document and the drawings. 对现有的文件和图纸逐个检查,记录文件和图纸的标题、文件编号和相关的批准日期。
1.3. Calibration of Instruments for Test测试用仪器仪表校准确认Ø Purpose目的 Verify that all instruments used to perform IQ tests are calibrated. 确认执行IQ测试中使用的所有仪器都经过校准。 Ø Acceptable standard可接受标准 The instruments used in IQ testing are calibrated and within the validity period. IQ测试使用仪器仪表均经过校准,且在有效期内。 The measurement standards used for calibration should be traceable to China's national measurement benchmarks. 用于校准的计量标准应该能够追溯到中国国家计量基准。 Ø Program程序 Record the name, serial number, model, calibration certificate number, calibration date and expiry date of instruments for IQ test, and attach calibration certificate. And check whether it can be traced back to China's national measurement benchmark and/or NIST. 记录IQ测试仪器的名称,序列号,型号,校准证书编号,校准日期和失效日期,并附上校准证书。 并检查它是否可以追溯到中国的国家测量基准和/或NIST。
1.4. Test of Network Architecture网络架构测试Ø Purpose目的 To confirm that the network status is connected properly, and the controller communicates successfully with the host computer 确认网络状态连接正常,控制器与上位机通讯成功等。 Ø Acceptable standard可接受标准 The network construction of the system meets the acceptable standards in Test Report. 系统的网络搭建符合测试报告中的可接受标准。 Ø Program程序 According to the description in the test report 10.4, carry out the test step by step, and attach the screenshot of the test result. 根据测试报告10.4中描述,逐步进行测试,将测试结果截图作为附件。
1.5. System Central Station Configuration Hardware/Software Inspection系统中央站配置硬件/软件检查Purpose: Check whether the system central station configuration hardware/software installation has been designed and required for installation, and whether the installation situation is related to engineering quality acceptance specifications; whether the installation environment meets the requirements. 目的:检查系统系统中央站配置硬件/软件安装是否已经设计要求进行安装,且安装情况是否相关的工程质量验收规范;安装环境是否满足要求。 Central station computer hardware/software configuration book:: / 中央站计算机硬件/软件配置书: | | Software/Hardware Specification 软件/硬件描述 | |
| Used for computerized system timing (BMS) 用于计算机化系统授时(BMS) | |
| Server operating system 服务器操作系统 |
| Configuration Software 组态软件 |
| | BMS operating station BMS操作站 |
| Computer operating system 计算机操作系统 |
| Configuration Software 组态软件 |
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| Computer operating system 计算机操作系统 |
Central station auxiliary equipment hardware configuration :/ 中央站辅助设备硬件配置: | Hardware Configuration 硬件配置 | | | | |
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| | |
Ø Results结果 See test report for details 详见测试报告 1.6.
Test of Automatic Control Cabinet自控柜测试Ø Purpose目的 Verify that the installation of the hardware is carried out in accordance with the approved design drawings. 确认硬件的安装按照批准的设计图纸进行。 Ø Acceptable standard可接受标准 The layout and installation in the control cabinet are in accordance with the acceptance criteria in Test Report . 控制柜内的布局与安装符合测试报告中的可接受标准。 Ø Program程序 Follow the following test steps to test the automatic control cabinet one by one按照以下测试步骤对自控柜逐一测试: | | | Control cabinet number控制柜编号: | | | Check cabinet size and installation specifications 检查柜体尺寸及安装规格 | Error with the design value of the approved design drawing ±5MM 与批准的设计图纸设计值误差±5MM | [tr][/tr]
| Check cabinet color 检查柜体色标 | Compliant with standard cabinet color code:RAL 7035 符合标准柜体色标:RAL 7035 | | Check the ventilation of the cabinet 检查机柜的通风装置 | Ventilation unit can be used normally 通风装置可正常使用 | [tr][/tr]
| Check if the door is fitted with a sealing strip 检查柜门是否装有密封条 | The door is fitted with a sealing strip 柜门装有密封条 | [tr][/tr]
2.Installation and wiring安装及接线 | | Ensure that the number and specifications of the main components installed in the cabinet are consistent with the drawings 确保柜内安装的主要元器件数量和规格与图纸一致 | The number and specifications of the main components in the cabinet are consistent with the approved drawings 柜内主要元器件数量和规格与经认可的图纸一致 | [tr][/tr]
| Check the equipment number, terminal number and sleeve label 检查设备标号、端子号和套管标签 | Equipment label, terminal number and casing label are consistent with the drawing 设备标号、端子号和套管标签与图纸一致 | [tr][/tr]
| Terminal block wiring fastening in control cabinet 控制柜中端子排接线紧固 | Terminal block wiring fastening in control cabinet 控制柜中端子排接线紧固 | [tr][/tr]
| | AC220V, AC/DC24V power supply circuit AC220V、AC/DC24V供电电路 | AC220V, AC/DC24V power supply circuit has no short circuit or string phenomenon AC220V、AC/DC24V供电电路没有短路或者串路的现象 | | Confirm that all circuit breakers are in the "OFF" state 确认所有断路器处于“OFF”状态 | The circuit breaker is in the "OFF" state 断路器处于“OFF”状态 | [tr][/tr]
| Check if the fan is turned on when the set temperature is exceeded, and the light is turned on when the door is opened. 检查风扇是否在超过设定温度时开启、照明灯是否在打开柜门时开启 | The fan is turned on normally and the light is turned on normally 风扇正常开启,照明灯正常开启 | [tr][/tr]
4.Grounding and protection接地及保护 | | Grounding, equipotential bonding (door, side panel, cabinet top, base) 接地、等电位连接(门、侧板、柜顶、底座) | Grounding, equipotential bonding consistent with the drawing 接地、等电位连接与图纸一致 | [tr][/tr]
Fill in the test results in the test form. 将检查的结果填入测 试表格中。
1.7. Loop Test回路测试Check the connection and confirm that all the input and output of PLC are working properly. 检查连线,确认所有PLC的输入输出工作正常。 Ø Acceptable standard可接受标准 In the digital input and output test, the corresponding address in the PLC should change its state. 在数字输入输出测试中,PLC中的相应地址应当改变其状态。 In analogy I/O test, the value read from the corresponding address in the PLC should be equal to the input value from the measuring instrument or device. 在模拟输入输出测试中,从PLC中相应地址读出的数值应当等于来自检测仪表或装置的输入值。 Ø Program程序 Get the circuit diagram and I/O list of the equipment control system. 取得设备控制系统的电路图和I/O清单。 Digital Input Testing: The digital input part of the circuit diagram or I/O list can be used as a test proposal. For each digital input (DI), the physical input is activated and deactivated by the field instrument, and the relevant address in the observation PLC is also changing. 数字输入测试:电路图或I/O清单中的数字输入部分可以作为测试方案。对于每个数字输入(DI),使用现场仪表激活和停用物理输入,观察PLC中的相关地址也在改变状态。 Digital output test: The digital output part of the circuit diagram or I/O list can be used as a test plan. For each digital output (DO), use the field instrument to activate and deactivate the physical output or vice versa, and observe that the relevant address in the PLC also changes state accordingly. 数字输出测试:电路图或I/O清单中的数字输出部分可以作为测试方案。对于每个数字输出(DO),使用现场仪表激活和停用物理输出或相反,观察PLC中的相关地址也在相应地改变状态。 Analog Input Testing: The analog input part of the circuit diagram or I/O list can be used as a test proposal. A voltage/current simulator or a test signal using an instrument is used to simulate signals of 0%, 50% and 100% measurement ranges. Check whether the input signal values on HMI and/or PLC correspond to the percentage set on the instrument or simulator. 模拟输入测试:电路图或I/O清单中的模拟输入部分可以作为测试方案。使用一个电压/电流模拟器或使用仪表的测试信号模拟0%, 50%和100%测量范围的信号。检查HMI和/或PLC上的输入信号值是否对应于仪表或模拟器上设定的百分比。 Analog output test: The analog output part of the circuit diagram or I/O list can be used as a test plan. Input the corresponding value in the software to simulate the signal of 0%, 50% and 100% measuring range. Use a multimeter to measure the input signal or visually check the response of the controlled device. The value on the multimeter must correspond to the percentage value set on the PLC. 模拟输出测试:电路图或I/O清单中的模拟输出部分可以作为测试方案。在软件中输入相应的值来模拟0%, 50%和100%测量范围的信号。使用一个万用表测量输入信号或目视检查所控制的设备的反应。万用表上的数值必须对应于PLC上设定的百分比值。 If the input and output work correctly, write "Pass" on the loop test list, otherwise fill in "Fail" and deviation number. 如果输入输出工作正确,在回路测试清单上写下“Pass”,否则填写“Fail”和偏差编号。 The checked loop test list is attached as an annex. 附上检查过的回路测试清单作为附件。
1.8. BMS Instrument Calibration Verification BMS仪器仪表校准确认Ø Purpose目的 Confirm the installation and calibration status of the instruments and meters in the BMS. 确认BMS仪器仪表的安装和校准状态。 Ø Acceptable Standard可接受标准 The installation of instruments and meters in the BMS meets the requirements and has been calibrated. During the validity period, the calibration files are available and readable. BMS的仪器仪表安装符合要求且均已校准,在有效期内,校准文件存在、可读。 Ø Program程序 Check the installation and calibration status of the instruments and meters in the original liquid area on the BMS. Record the calibration date and validity period of each meter in the following table. If there are more meters, you can copy the table and fill in the calibration information. 现场检查BMS的仪器仪表安装和校准状态,在下表中记录每支仪表的校准日期、有效期,若仪表较多,可以复制该表格并填写校验信息。