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欧洲药典 5.10. Impurities in substances for pharmaceutical use 中有下面一段描述: A specific monograph on a substance forpharmaceutical use is to be read and interpreted in conjunction with the generalmonograph on Substances for pharmaceutical use (2034). Where a general acceptance criterion forimpurities (“any other impurity”, “other impurities”, “any impurity”)equivalent to a nominal content greater than the applicable identificationthreshold (see the general monograph on Substances for pharmaceutical use(2034)) is prescribed, this is valid only for specified impurities mentioned inthe Impurities section. 翻译:关于药用物质的特定专论需结合《药用物质通则(2034)》进行阅读和解释。 当通则中规定的杂质可接受标准(如"任何其他杂质"、"其他杂质"、"任一杂质")相当于标示含量超过适用鉴定阈值(参见《药用物质通则(2034)》)时,此标准仅适用于杂质项下提及的特定杂质。