European Union (EU) GMP guide part I: Basic requirements for medicinal products: Chapter 8: Complaints, Quality Defects and Product Recalls
EU GMP指南第一部分:药品的基本要求:第8章:投诉、质量缺陷和产品召回 2问
1. What are the quality defect reporting requirements of EU GMP?
EU GMP的质量缺陷报告要求是什么?
Suspected product quality defects (e.g. product deterioration, packaging mix-up, among others) should be reported to the competent authority with responsibility for the manufacturing site (or importer where the manufacturer is located outside the EEA), and to the competent authority in each EEA market supplied. In case of impact to EU centrally authorised products, the EMA must also be notified. This notification should be prior to taking any market action, unless, as per paragraph 8.26 of Chapter 8, the need for market action is so serious as to warrant immediate action to protect patient or animal health.
Confirmation of a quality defect does not require completion of the investigation. Reporting should be initiated when available information supports the detection of the issue and when the initial assessment of the potential risks presented to patients/animals indicates that it could result in market action. Notification to competent authorities should typically take place within one working day of confirmation that reporting is required.
In cases where asuspected quality defect involves multiple manufacturing sites, reportingresponsibilities should be defined in a technical agreement. It is normalexpectation that the MAH and site of final EU batch certification should takethe lead on reporting, unless otherwise justified.
Manufacturers areencouraged to notify their national competent authority (or EU SupervisoryAuthority for sites located outside the EEA) of confirmed serious GMP issueswith the potential to lead to a suspected product defect requiring marketaction (e.g. media fill failure, serious equipment failure, etc.). Confirmationof a serious GMP issue does not require completion of the investigation;reporting should be initiated when available information confirms the detectionof the issue.
Serious GMP issues whichmay result in an abnormal restriction in supply should be notified to the MAHand relevant competent authorities in accordance with legal obligations givenin Art 23(2) of Directive 2001/83/EC, Art 27 of Directive 2001/82/EC,Regulation 726/2004 and EMA guidance1:
In the event that a medicinalproduct which is the subject of a marketing authorisation issued by an EEAauthority, and which is marketed in another third country (or countries) then themarketing authorisation holder shall forthwith inform the relevant EU competentauthority of any prohibition or restriction imposed by the competentauthorities of any country in which the medicinal product is marketed and ofany other new information which might influence the evaluation of the benefitsand risks of the medicinal product concerned (e.g recalls or serious GMPissues). This is even if the particular batch subject to the prohibition orrestriction is not marketed in the EEA.
In cases where nationalcompetent authorities set additional national expectations regarding whatquality defects should be reported and the timelines for reporting, theseshould be complied with.
2. For the purposes of product recall, at what stage inthe supply chain is a product considered to be 'placed on the market' (ref:Chapter 8 paragraph 8.21)?
Abatch recall is defined in the Compilation of Community Procedures as "Theaction of withdrawing a batch from the distribution chain and users. A batchrecall may be partial, in that the batch is only withdrawn from selecteddistributors or users". This definition covers the entire distributionchain from all points following manufacture through to the end user, thepatient. Also, it is possible that the MAH or its subsidiaries are actors inthe supply chain, acting as the distributor in certain cases. In such cases,the MAH or its subsidiaries should be regarded as also being part of thedistribution chain.
Abatch of medicinal product is considered to have been 'placed on the market'when one of the following takes place:
l A batch has been Qualified Person (QP) certified and has been madeavailable for sale on the stock management system of the pre-wholesaler/primarywholesaler, etc.
l 该批次已由QP认证,在预批发商/总批发商等的库存管理系统中作为可销售批次。
l A batch has been QP certified and supplied to a facility where themanufacturer has no further control over when the product is transferred tosaleable stock. This applies even if within the pre-wholesaler/primarywholesaler network.
l 该批次已由QP认证,已发至某个生产商无法进一步控制其转移至可销售库存的场所。即使在预批发商/总批发商网络内也适用此条。
l In the case of supply chain models where the manufacturer or primarywholesaler supplies direct to the customer (e.g. pharmacy), the batch has beenplaced on the market from the time of the first customer supply of product fromthe batch.
l 如果供应链模式中,生产商或总批发商直接向客户发货(例如,药房),该批次在向首个客户供应起即认为已上市销售。
Nationalcompetent authorities should be notified of all recall action proposed afterthe product has been placed on the market. In situations where the MAH candemonstrate that the batch is reconciled without issuing a recall notice, the nationalcompetent authority may agree that public recall communication throughout thedistribution network is not necessary.
Itis acknowledged that certain short expiry products (e.g. radiopharmaceuticals, advancedtherapy medicinal products, etc.) may be shipped under quarantine prior tocertification. Retrieval of batches during this quarantine period may bemanaged within the pharmaceutical quality system.