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本帖最后由 yuansoul 于 2016-7-31 13:18 编辑
No more noisy, loud words from me---such is my master's will. Henceforth I deal in whispers. The speech of my heart will be carried on in murmurings of a song.
Men hasten to the King's market. All the buyers and sellers are there. But I have my untimely leave in the middle of the day, in the thick of work.
Let then the flowers come out in my garden, though it is not their time; and let the midday bees strike up their lazy hum.
Full many an hour have I spent in the strife of the good and the evil, but now it is the pleasure of my playmate of the empty days to draw my heart on to him; and I know not why is this sudden call to what useless inconsequence!
我无需再高谈阔论 我无需买卖人生 我只想把心想低沉颂念 我只想从此细语莺声
人们匆忙返回高贵的宫殿 急于让国王聆听他们的意念 专业的颂者与专职的听众合演着花好月圆
午时艳阳高照 离开拥挤回到自己的花园 匆匆的工作让我体力早早的不支 等待花开犹如慵懒的蜂顽
我曾用全力支持哲理的辩论 我曾把雅兴深埋心间 如今喜爱尘世俗乐的我,还未想出景致绮丽 又被宫殿里的蛙声召唤