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使用ASTM(美国材料与试验协会) E2810 Standard Practice for Demonstrating Capability to Comply with the Test for Uniformity of Dosage Units (剂量单位含量均一性试验符合能力证明规程) 评估粉末混合物间和内位置的均一性。
FDA-cGMP 问答系列
16. Why is FDA concerned about proper sampling of powder blends?
16. 为什么FDA关注粉末混合物的适当采样?
The CGMPs require that all sampling plans be scientifically sound and representative of the batch under test (see 21 CFR 211.160(b)). Further, in-process testing of powder blends to demonstrate adequacy of mixing is a CGMP requirement (21 CFR 211.110). Between- and within-location variability in the powder blend is a critical component of finished product quality and therefore should be evaluated.
CGMPs要求所有的抽样方案科学合理并代表该批次测试(见211.160(B))。此外,在进程粉末测试共混物表现出混合的充足是CGMP要求(21 CFR 211.110)。在粉末混合物间和内位置变异是成品质量的关键组成部分,因此,应进行评估。
18. What are the Agency’s recommendations regarding in-process stratified sampling of finished dosage units?
18. 什么是该机构的有关过程中的分层成品剂量单位的抽样建议?
Stratified sampling is recommended to be used when the population is known to have several subdivisions (i.e., locations), which may give different results for the quality characteristics measured. The Agency expects that no significant differences should exist between in-process locations that could affect finished product quality. Between- and within-location variability is a critical component of finished product quality and therefore should be evaluated. Please refer to ASTM E2709 and ASTM E2810 for further guidance on establishing acceptance criteria for a stratified sampling plan.
当群体是已知有几个细分(即,位置),所测量的质量特性可以给出不同的结果时, 推荐使用分层抽样。FDA期望位置间和内不存在显著差异以影响最终产品质量。位置间和内变异是成品质量的关键组成部分,因此应进行评估。请参考ASTM E2709 和ASTM E2810 做进一步指导,制定验收标准的分层抽样计划。
补充内容 (2016-10-12 09:48):
15. FDA recently announced the withdrawal of its draft guidance for industry on Powder Blends and Finished Dosage Units — Stratified In-Process Dosage Unit Sampling and Assessment. What were the Agency’s major concerns with this guidance?
FDA’s major concern was that Sections V and VII of the withdrawn draft guidance no longer represented the Agency’s current thinking, as explained below.
Section V (Exhibit/Validation Batch Powder Mix Homogeneity) recommended that at least three replicate samples be taken from at least ten locations in the powder blender, but that only one of the three replicates be evaluated to assess powder blend uniformity. The Agency currently recommends that all replicate samples taken from various locations in the blender be evaluated to perform a statistically valid analysis. This analysis can demonstrate that variability attributable to sample location is not significant and that the powder blend is homogenous. Statistical tools are available to ascertain both the number of replicates and the number of sampling locations across the blender that should be analyzed to conduct a valid analysis.
Section VII (Routine Manufacturing Batch Testing Methods) acceptance criteria designated to the Standard Criteria Method and the Marginal Criteria Method were based upon the limits published in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) General Chapter <905> Uniformity of Dosage Units. However, the procedures and acceptance criteria in USP <905> are not a statistical sampling plan and so the results of the procedures should not be extrapolated to larger populations. Therefore, because the procedure and acceptance criteria prescribed in section VII provided only limited statistical assurance that batches of drug products met appropriate specifications and statistical quality control criteria, FDA no longer supports their use for batch release. Currently, there are several standard statistical practices (see references) that, if used correctly, can help to ensure compliance with the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations, including 21 CFR 211.110Sampling and testing of in-process materials and drug products, 21 CFR 211.160 General Requirements[Subpart I, Laboratory Controls],and 21 CFR 211.165 Testing and release [of the finished drug product] for distribution.
指定标准的判定方法和边际标准法第七条(日常生产批次测试方法)验收标准是根据发表在美国药典(USP)通则<905>的限制剂量单位的均匀性。然而,在USP <905>的程序和验收标准不是一个统计采样方案等的程序的结果不应该被推广到更广泛的人群。因此,由于在规定第七部分的程序和验收标准只提供了有限的统计保证药品的批次可满足适当质量标准和统计质量控制标准,FDA不再支持其用于批放行。目前,有几个标准统计方法(请参阅参考资料),如果正确使用,可帮助确保符合当前的良好生产规范(CGMP)的规定,其中包括21 CFR 211.110 取样和过程中的物料和药品的检验, 21 CFR 211.160 一般要求 [分部I,实验室控制]和21 CFR 211.65 测试和发运 [药品] 的放行。