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[质量信息化] QMS实施最佳实践:规划采用至关重要(三)

发表于 2024-1-30 14:05:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 携手小灰灰 于 2024-1-30 14:07 编辑

To ensure your QMS Implementation Program is successful, keep in mind the following:

  • It’s a long-term journey of user adoption. Plan for it!
  • The QMS has to become an integral part of day-to-day operations. It has to integrate with the ERP and CRM, and a cultural shift is needed where all quality-related processes and    decision-making happen through the EQMS Software.
  • Right from the early days, involve various stakeholders. Configure it to show immediate business value in the short-term.
  • Keep driving enhancements and improvements. QMS Implementation is not a one-off project.
  • Implementing a flexible, scalable QMS that can be configured as per your business process is important.
  • Track quality metrics and showcase the value and impact of the digital transformation effort.
  • 这是一个长期的用户采用过程,要提前计划!
  • QMS必须成为日常运营的一部分。它必须与企业资源计划(ERP)和客户关系管理(CRM)集成,并需要进行文化转变,所有与质量相关的过程和决策都通过EQMS软件进行。
  • 从早期开始,涉及各方利益相关者。在短期内进行配置,展示即时的商业价值。
  • 不断推动改进和提升。QMS实施不是一次性项目。
  • 实施灵活、可扩展的QMS,可以根据您的业务流程进行配置,非常重要。
  • 跟踪质量指标,并展示数字化转型工作的价值和影响。

5 Key Best Practices for Effective & Efficient QMS Implementations 实施和高效QMS的5个关键最佳实践
  • QMS Implementation & Strategy Workshop with Key Stakeholders 与关键利益相关者进行的QMS实施和战略研讨会
  • Robust Testing with ‘Real Users’ Before Deployment 部署前与“真实用户”进行强大的测试
  • Data Migration Made Easy 简化数据迁移
  • Agile Approach 敏捷方法
  • Training & User Adoption 培训和用户采用

Best Practice #2 – Robust Testing with 'Real Users' Before Deployment最佳实践#2-在部署之前与“真实用户”进行强大的测试

Testing is a critical stage before deployment. For large projects, a well-defined, dedicated testing team is a must! Have anywhere from 10 to 30 users log in from different sites, and test out different functionalities. The feedback must be gathered in a formal log, reviewed, and addressed through a sprint following bug fixes and reconfigurations. Only after the tests come out clear or after all critical issues have been resolved, should the QMS  be deployed.

For commercial or smaller-sized projects, testing may not be as structured or formal. Often, there may be just four to five test users, and so it may not be a well-defined process. This can be a challenge and accuracy may suffer. At ComplianceQuest, we provide pre-built templates for testing, so SMBs  can ensure quality of implementation in the test environment, before it’s taken live.

Best Practice #3 - Data Migration Made Easy最佳实践#3 - 简化数据迁移

Deployment is the final phase with the last key implementation nuance being data migration. For an enterprise project, it can run into large volumes of data and data sets around customer accounts,
suppliers, employees and so on that need to be migrated. For an SMB customer, the data volume may be smaller but just as critical. Therefore, designing the data migration process for minimum
disruption and better integration should also be part of the design and deployment workflow.
Plan for this during the initial workshop and include the data migration approach in the roadmap.
部署是最后阶段,最后一个关键的实施细节是数据迁移。对于企业项目,可能涉及大量的客户账户、供应商、员工等数据集,需要进行迁移。对于中小型企业客户来说,数据量可能较小,但同样至关重要。因此,在设计和部署工作流程中,也应考虑最小程度干扰和更好集成的数据迁移过程。 在初始研讨会期间计划并将数据迁移方法纳入路线图中。

Best Practice #4 - Agile Approach最佳实践 #4 - 敏捷方法

ComplianceQuest uses an agile implementation approach for faster deployment. Once the requirements have been gathered, sprint planning is done with daily huddles. A scrum master manages the process by looking into all the requirements, putting them into the project management tool (like Jira) to track progress.
ComplianceQuest采用敏捷实施方法以加快部署速度。一旦收集到需求,就会进行冲刺计划,并每天进行团队会议。一位Scrum Master负责管理这个过程,他会审查所有的需求,并将其输入项目管理工具(如Jira)以跟踪进展。

Once sprint one is complete, a demo is planned for the customer while the work on the second sprint starts. The process ends with a performance analysis, to ensure that the configurations are in place and the EQMS software performing as expected.

Best Practice #5 – Training & User Adoption最佳实践#5-培训和用户采纳

At some enterprises,the team that made the decision of purchasing the EQMS solution, may not have planned for user adoption and training. Ideallyuser training should be a core part of the roadmap.

Once the purchase is complete and the software implemented, users may not use it in the best way  possible, which is critical to ensure the EQMS solution meets the outcomes it was purchased for in the first place. The onus is on the Solutions and Customer Success team at the vendor company to deliver   the right training, so the software is put to best use.

Training the actual users in the software is essential to get their buy-in and willingness to use the QMS effectively. This is when it can be integrated with other operations to improve RoI and achieve quality  performance goals.


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发表于 2024-1-30 17:59:42 | 显示全部楼层

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